Valora refinances with EUR 100 million Schuldschein issue and extends debt maturity profile markedly

02.05.2022 / 07:00 / Misc

With the new Schuldschein issue worth EUR 100 million with a five- and seven-year term, Valora is partially refinancing a maturing EUR Schuldschein issue early. It is thus improving its long-term financing structure.

On 29 April 2022, Valora placed a Schuldschein issue worth EUR 100 million with a five- and seven-year term on the banking market. Through this transaction, the leading foodvenience provider is able to extend its debt maturity profile markedly and to successfully refinance parts of the Schuldschein issue of EUR 170 million (set to mature in January 2023) at an early stage.

The strong demand exceeded Valora's expectations so that the company increased the original target volume of EUR 75 million by EUR 25 million. The strong interest came from Swiss, German and international investors.

The transaction was overseen by Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft, DZ BANK AG and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg. It will be closed on 11 July 2022.

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